After almost a year of work, I'm finally leaving the one thing that I will never forget...Accenture.
It was my first job-- I didn't realize what my true potentials are until I started working here. Looking back, I was really afraid because I might not be the best of the bunch...and it happened. It was our first meeting with Mitch Gross and he was asking us some questions and unfortunately I was the only one who didn't answer right. Not only I stuttered but my english was really bad! After that I was so embarrased of myself and I thought It was the end. But looking myself now, I can't believe how much I accomplished-- I reached the level wherein I process the most complicated type of insurance claims; I was chosen as one of the auditors of our group; I was even chosen to be the point person who will be responsible for reporting audits to our foreign client; Lastly, I was chosen to be part of the panel to interview potential candidates for supervisory/team lead positions in other projects of Accenture. Thru hardwork, dedication and inspiration, I was able to reach far from I what I imagined. I've done all this not by myself, but with the help of my teammates which I consider my best friends...
I met new and fresh faces when I entered the MSE Bldg on my first training day. They were my teammates. I thought I would have a very hard time to get to know these people but I was wrong. They are so friendly, warm and very open to themselves. We became friends immediately. We had the fondest memories and also the saddest. These memories made me realize that I wasn't alone. But one memory that I surely will never forget is when I was sitting on a bench outside the building and this girl suddenly approaches and gave the warmest smile...her name was Sarah...and after many months we became together. One simple smile led to many different things. It was her that made my life worth living...She opened my heart to love again.
My life changed completely because of Accenture. and now that I'm leaving, I will never leave the things that I earned here--respect, memories, triumphs, and of course my friends. It's not them why I left, In fact they were the ones that kept me from leaving...
Words aren't enough to express how I'm feeling right now... I thought I was nothing but because of you guys, you made me realize that I'm someone and for that I would like to thank you for everything. Just like what you guys said to me "This is not a goodbye but see you later"...
I wish you all the best in life and Good luck on everything! You will surely be missed...
Keep in touch ayt?