Saturday, July 16, 2005

Hello IBM

Yesterday was my first day of my new job. I was hired by IBM Business Services to be one of their Pre-Auditors in IBM UK. I felt very nervous for the work that I will be doing. I felt very excited as well because it will be a new thing for me.

When I entered their office, I was welcomed by my new team. They were so funny and comical! One of them approached me and said that he will be the one who will train me for the meantime since my new team leader is on paternity leave. He introduced me to everyone in the room. I felt very welcomed with their presence but of course my shyness conquered me so I was quiet the whole time.

They're so funny and so noisy all the time. I guess it's because they just want to become free from their work that they're having. With that I remembered my accenture friends...for they are the same. I can't remember all of their names but some that I've remembered are Joe, Nicky, Javi, Ma-an, Mara, Capi....hmmmm...I'm so bad when it comes to remembering names...but no worries I still know their faces :)

I was amazed that all the things that I'm doing from my previous job would also be the same for my new job. The only difference is the terms that they use and its more complicated. It was very complicated in fact that at the end of the day, I got a headache due to information overload! They are so many things to do and to remember! but fortunately they said to me that I don't have to memorize all, you just have to understand the concept and eventually I'll get used to it.

My first day of work was a bit tiring. I guess I still have to adjust since I haven't rested from my previous work. And I guess with the new people I met, I won't be having a hard time. Good luck to me...


At Sunday, July 17, 2005 11:52:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats on your new job. We were hoping to see you at NiƱa's b-day party last Saturday... (parang may block-12 reunion eh) Guess you are pretty tired.

As for what you said on your entry... T2, shy??? You must have abducted the real Tito, poser :P And at least names are your only weakness. Unlike others (like me), bad with names AND faces :)


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