Wednesday, June 29, 2005

about me today

I'm done with my work! whew! Good for me I finished early.

To summarize what I did the whole day today at the office, I processed 81 claims (which is so many compared to our normal load), Ate lunch with my Sarah (I had Mcdo and sarah brought her lunch), and helping my friends fix their blogs. They want to customize their blogs by putting some stuff on it.

As I said before, I like customizing pages that's why I was willing to help them. My friend Al wanted to have a digital clock on his page and Sarah wanted an analog clock and a counter for her page. I was successful in putting clocks on their blogs..Want to see them? click here for Al's Blog and Sarah's Blog. The only problem that I have is putting a counter. I can't find a nice and free counter that I can use. Any idea where I can find one?

I like designing web pages. I'm not yet a professional web designer but hopefully I can be one in the future. I feel a sense of accomplishment when I make a good site. I only created few and they are not that still good enough to be considered as professional-looking. I learn designing web pages thru self-learning. I look for resources on the net, study them and experiment with it. Want to see my few creations? visit my site or visit chelaine's aviary, a website I created for my friend Elaine dedicated to her pet birds.

Well, I guess that's about me for this day...


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